Balam Ronan

15 Octobre 2024

Playlists to imagine other worlds
It is a project with which I seek to create dj sets composed of music that dares to move and transform itself in the non-linearity of genres and styles. I’m thinking about musics that resignify the musics themselves, as well as the lyrics of the songs, and the moments and contexts in which the musics usually or used to be produced and reproduced, using them now with other rhythms, other bodies, other voices, other codes. I am thinking of musics created with the intention of criticizing and resisting hetero-patriarchal, racist, and capitalist systems that excluded women, the LGBTQIA+ community, people of color, dissidences.
I am thinking, for example, of neo-perreo, music made by women from Abya Yala, who criticize the heterosexual and patriarchal vision of reggaeton and life, but without letting them enjoy their bodies, their dances and their sexuality. Or afrofuturist music that mixes different rhythms of traditional music from their culture with hip-hop, R&B, afrobeat, dub, techno and other electronic music, seeking to reclaim their musical traditions, while at the same time seeking to vibrate and sound with the present, and to imagine and create possible futures, in which people of color and queer people also feel part of the world. Or in music like noise from Japan or Indonesia, industrial music from South Korea, or electronic music from Iran or Syria, which at the same time serves as a form of resistance and political critique.
I am thinking of music created in the Global South, or in the West, but by people from the so-called minorities. I am thinking of musics that question, that re- configure, that extend codes and frequencies, that multiply voices and ways of sounding and dancing.
Music to fly, music to dance, music to think, music to imagine other possible worlds.