a collective noise research (trilingue)

Sound-Artists & chercheurs quotidien Sylvie Dederichs und Marc Matter collected interviews and found-footage to produce this feature about Sounds, Bruits, Geräusche,  that are annoying to people to the extent of phonic phobias. Be careful not to become phobic against this radio-collage itself after hearing it –  there’s hardly any sounds that are hated by all people. Learn about the subjectivity and context concerning annoying sounds and phonophobia and try to ask yourself why you hate certain sounds and adore others, and: what a sound can do to you.

Sylvie Dederichs und Marc Matter in residence in Bruxelles between September 18th and September 28th 2015
“many thanks to everybody who told us about their phonophobias or helped us with this piece in general!”

length: 24’min
language: german, english, french
tags: spoken word, phobophonie, interviews, found-footage, noise