Extra Muro

2 + 3 = RADIO

Freies Radio in Berlin auf 88,4 MHz und Potsdam auf 90,7 MHz DJ Shot ! With Mat Pogo, JD Zazie, WJM, Francesco Cavaliere, Johnny Haway & Selly One hour five djs Shot mix of ten minutes each


Alte Kindl-Brauerei, Berlin The musicians are using the radio as a speaker The sound is broadcasted trough an fm emitter to a bunch of radios where unexpected interference fuse with the original sound Music artists: JD Zazie – Juxtaposition, decontextualization, fragmentation, repetition, sonic texture, scratch and error http://www.zonoff.net/grrr/audio/jd-cellar.mp3 Francesco Cavaliere – hypnosis! – fluomatic animals flouuuuu mmaaatic [ continue ] RADIO SENDUNG


CoLaboRadio & Radio Picnic Radiocollaborations all night through, with many guests Broadcast on 88.4 UKW – Berlin from ‘ORschnecke, a studio by Sara Lehn, in Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien http://www.zonoff.net/radio-picnic/audiofile/bethanien-picnicandbruit.mp3 18:30 S’accaparer les pouvoirs de super-héros musicaux Le magasin de musique vu comme un astroport. a project by Renaud Marchand with the collaboration of Johnny Haway (Radio [ continue ] A NIGHT ON AIR


Project for an interactive archive of street musicCalle record is an online archive project that intends to develop, through a multimedia platform, the recording, documentation and accessibility of music played in public spacesThe goal is to create the biggest possible archive of musical heritage. This information makes it possible to analyse the cultural and political [ continue ] CALLE RECORD


Workshop with the Work.Master‘s students from the HEAD- Geneva Wenn Töne Geschmack haben Grosses Fressen in Radio Picnic (Berlin) With Renaud Marchand, Sophie Alphonso, Andrea Marioni, Anne Le Troter, Leonie Vanay, Lou Masduraud, Charlotte Khouri, Daphné Roulin, Sabrina Rothlisberger, Emma Souharce. http://www.zonoff.net/radio-picnic/audiofile/wonderlustberlin-ltr.mp3


Workshop with the Option Construction‘s students from the HEAD Geneva Réalisations et diffusion de pièces radiophoniques constituant un programme radio sur une thématique commune; la dérive comme passage du « microscopique » au « macroscopique », du proche au lointain, de l’intérieur à l’extérieur. Les participant-e-s sont libres de choisir et de travailler avec n’importe [ continue ] TIERED CAKE


Sound Collage, Cut-up, Dj set by producer and musician H. from the eclectic ZamZamRec Crew. Una Notte di Sogni Agitati


THE SOUND OF DESTRUCTION Bring items that definitly should get destroyed! Ceramincs, glasses, figurines, technic, furniture, kitsch, presents that you never liked, etcget rid of that shit!and join the last breath of that rubbish in an ultimative radioshow. With a little help of our friendslike hammers, feet, crowbars, dynamite, towels, boards, gravity, acid, etcand with [ continue ] DESTRUCTION TEAM


a radio show during the 48 hours Neukölln Festival in Berlin Durante 48 ore, un’antenna radiofonica capterà e diffonderà le testimonianze sonore di 30 uccelli che sorvoleranno la valle del picnic. Questi 30 uccelli alla ricerca del leggendario simurgh saranno udibili seduti comodamente nell’area da picnic situata a Neukolln oppure connettendosi a internet. Di questi [ continue ] THE CONFERENCE OF THE BIRDS


A music box is an automatic musical instrument, inside a box, that produces sounds. Margarethe Radio Box is a human musical instrument, inside a human scale box, that produces sounds. Margarethe Radio Box have been set in music by Jonathan Frigeri, Daniel Kemeny, Rico Schalueckwith contribution from Astro Pietra, Cabinet de logique, Jay Pennington and [ continue ] MARGARETHE RADIO BOX